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  • rochellem1012


My family has been studying Galatians this week. Specifically how Paul had to help Peter understand that we can't do things the wrong way so as not to upset people. We have to live and follow the gospel principles the way Christ laid them out for us.

Peter was an apostle and the President of the Church that Christ had set up, and Paul was an apostle also but was junior to Peter. Both had the ability to receive revelation, and both had received their call from God. Peter was wrong in trying to keep the law of Moses to please the people. The law of Moses was fulfilled when Christ died, and now everyone was expected to live by a higher law. Paul had to stand up to Peter. They agreed on the gospel. They disagreed on policy. The Jewish members were struggling with the changes in the law and wanted the gentile members to live the Mosaic law.

This reminds me of Divergent when they all choose the faction they want to be in, but when they are all around the table eating, they are talking like they are still in their old factions until 4 reminds them all (in a very angry way) they are all in one faction together not their old factions but together united under the same law.

Jew or Gentile doesn't matter at this point; they are all expected to live the new higher law because the Mosaic law was fulfilled by Christ. Paul was right, and Peter knew it and changed his ways of teaching.

Now that we all understand how the disagreement on policy was fixed, Paul moved on to teach about the new higher law. The Ten Commandments 2.0. We will expand on that in another post, but for this post, I wanted to focus a lesson for kids on fruit of the Spirit. So lets dive in.

what is the fruit of the spirit? You can find the entire explanation in Galatians 5: 22-23. Here is a brief explanation. Everything good. Love, joy, peace, faith. You get the idea. So how do we get it?

We can have the fruit of the spirit by keeping the commandments. Have you noticed a lot of answers to questions lead back to keeping the commandments? Christ said "If you love me, keep my commandments." John 14: 15-24. I guess they are pretty crucial in getting us back home to live with God and Jesus. That is what I have come to learn with all of the lessons I have tried to put together. So now to the fun part. Activities!!!!

Here is a cute little video from that teaches this concept so well!

I also put together a cute little visual activity for your kids.

A tree with apples with a sun and clouds in the background

This cute tree is a visual way your kids can understand. Here is how it works. You will have the picture with just the trunk. You ask your kids

Q. What are the things the tree needs to live?

A. It needs roots, water, and light

We as Christians need these things too.

Q. Why does the tree need roots?

A. The roots dig deep down and give the tree strength. They carry water and nutrients from the soil up into the tree to provide life to the tree.

We need to root ourselves in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This provides a solid foundation for us so we can stand upright against the trials and tribulations we face daily.

Q. Why does the tree need water?

A. Water gives the tree life.

The Living Water Christ has offered to us comes with a promise of never feeling thirst again. It's a spiritual refreshment that provides us life, and adds to the strength of our foundation (roots that deliver water to the tree.)

Q. Why does the tree need light?

A. The tree uses the light to make the food the tree needs to live.

The light of Christ is a gift to us from God. It is the divine energy, power or influence that comes from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. The light of Christ influences people for good.

All of these things combined give us fruit. Love, kindness, gentleness, longsuffering, goodness, faith and so many others. You will get the leaves and apples to cut out and glue on to the tree as you talk about what each thing means and does.

Fruit 3
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I learned a lot while putting together this lesson. I hope you find this helpful. I would love to hear about your experience and if you have found other activities or crafts that have made this lesson even better. I have said it before we are all here to help each other. I would love to hear from you in the comments! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

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